Museum of Patriotism

A collection of my frames for the exhibition ''Museum of Patriotism'' curated by Hoofar Haghighi:

It is customary of governments and states almost all over the world, to take advantage of all possible means to evoke public emotions towards the motherland in order to keep the society and country together united. Encouragement of nationalist and patriotic feelings has always been a powerful means for governments to defend their power, borders, values and probably their people.

Each country’s flag is usually the easiest, cheapest and the most superficial means at hand to hook the country’s unity on. For people in any country, their flag could serve as an indication of independence, national self-esteem, and love for motherland. The flag: a means to remind people of both the ideals and ends unfulfilled and sometimes another excuse to encourage the rebuilding and development of a ruined land. This colorful piece of cloth is supposed to carry with it all the dreams, ambitions, hopes and wishes of a nation. We are supposed to stare at it and remember all the sacrifices and courageous acts of the nation throughout its history. For this reason alone is the flag reproduced and depicted in various sizes and colors on different objects. The flag is installed in streets, squares, roads and any possible place in a country. It is exhibited in public spaces for people to be reminded of where they live and which values they should esteem. On the one hand, there is an ever-growing endeavor for exhibiting the unified collective identity and on the other the society is eager to hang on to some symbol. Both of these turn the city into a Museum of Patriotism. A Museum with an ever-free entrance for the public.

Hoofar Haghighi