
In Autumn of 2011, I took these photos during the day of a tradition which happens every year, called Qalishuyan, Near The city of Kashan, in central Iran. Took the photos with a 5DM2 Canon Camera. The ceremony is briefed well here, as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Iran in UNESCO list. Qālišuyān rituals are practised in Iran to honour the memory of Soltān Ali, a holy figure among the people of Kāšān and Fin. According to legend, he was martyred, and his body found and carried in a carpet to a stream, where it was washed and buried by the people of Fin and Xāve. Today, Soltān Ali mausoleum is the site of a ritual where a carpet is washed in the holy stream by a huge gathering. It takes place on the nearest Friday to the seventeenth day of the month of Mehr, according to the solar-agricultural calendar.